Give a small review of the last movie you watched.

Started by TaNK, July 13, 2008, 09:20:39 PM

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I watched After Earth starring Will Smith and son

Will Smith, when he was acting as an authority figure (I think it said fleet admiral) portrayed the worse acted commander position Ive seen in quite some time. His son had a couple of emotional scenes in which, largely due to camera work... frankly, were horrible.

It was a bad movie that was very predictable with absolutely ZERO tension or suspense. I wanted to leave the theater but I took the youth I worked with to it, I couldnt leave them. It wasn't horrible movie though, just bad. No many positives at all



Quote from: Crazy Kyd on May 27, 2013, 02:09:27 AM
Fast & Furious 6. I haven't seen any of the other movies, so this was my first experience with the franchise. I kind of figured what to expect, and it wasn't incredible, but it wasn't bad either. The action scenes can please any moviegoer, and a lot of the stunts were pretty sweet. The dialogue was terrible, even though there were certain references that I assume were from previous movies. I think Dwayne Johnson was the standout actor because he took something out of nothing and made his character memorable. I give this movie 2 out of 5 stars.

Took my co-worker to see this movie, completely agree on all counts. I didnt know back stories and I knew little of why they were so close as a 'family'. Also

[spoiler]As soon as they described Gina's char brief backstory, I turned to my co-worker and told him that she would betray the rock. He didnt believe me. When they said the bad guy was army guy too, I said 'see, see'. He didn't believe me. When they showed the pictures of the people and made comments that they were like dopplegangers of each other, since it was obvious Michelle Rodriquez would turn back to good side, I bet my coworker $30 that Gina would go bad. When they Japanese guy's girlfriend said that she was ready to settle down, I bet my friend $20 that she was going to die by the end of the movie. Im $50 richer (when he gets around to paying me) thanks to its predictability.[/spoiler]

Crazy Kyd

10 Years. This movie was alright. The message of the movie gets lost in its giant cast which is unfortunate as it is a decent comedy. I also feel like it was 30 minutes too long. It seemed like the actors in each scene tried to add their own personal spin on the jokes, which made it seem like an amateur sketch comedy show at times but there are a few laughs within everything. The acting was alright. The cast features Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Chris Pratt, Aubrey Plaza, Justin Long, and many more. This large cast blended together well but the end result just doesn't work as well as it could have. I give this movie out of 5 stars.

Black Death

Quote from: Totally TyTy on June 07, 2013, 07:32:29 AM
I know its not a movie, but been watching heroes on netflix.... wow, its absolutely amazing, best thing ive ever watched

Quote from: Marq on June 07, 2013, 12:01:59 PM

Stop watching after season one.

You can thank me, later.

So True ...  So true

IMO...  Season 2 was not bad, but the Writers Strike killed  it and pretty much the whole series after that
"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"

GM Franchise

The Purge wasn't too bad. The backstory about the New Founding Fathers, who created the Purge, should've gotten more air time since it was the most interesting part of the movie other than the main antagonists who reminded me of Bray Wyatt and the Family which is a good thing. Not too bad but nothing too special either.
Quote from: Trumpers on July 25, 2012, 01:46:54 PM
James, everytime you post in the OOC your perception of "yourself" is just as apparently off key 'in game' as GM Franchise as it is 'out of game' as yourself lol.
Quote from: Mike Powers on May 22, 2012, 06:44:25 PM
Now I know how Franchise feels every game.  Speak your mind and you get singled out for it.
Quote[Nov 30 21:22:23] Trumpers:you have literally assembled one of the worst teams possible

Crazy Kyd

Quote from: GM Franchise on June 12, 2013, 06:24:41 PM
The Purge wasn't too bad. The backstory about the New Founding Fathers, who created the Purge, should've gotten more air time since it was the most interesting part of the movie other than the main antagonists who reminded me of Bray Wyatt and the Family which is a good thing. Not too bad but nothing too special either.

I'm going to be seeing The Purge next week probably. What you said is pretty much what I've been reading. Hopefully I'll enjoy it.

Crazy Kyd

Man of Steel. As an action movie, it is very well done. If you liked Zach Snyder's other movies, you will enjoy the destruction on screen. However, I really got annoyed with the zooming in on Superman during the flying scenes. Once or twice is ok, but all the time was a little excessive. I also felt that certain parts of the Superman character were not developed as well as they should have been, but I assume there will be room to grow with the sequels. The last issue I have with the movie are the flashbacks. I felt that there were too many flashbacks. Sometimes the flashbacks made sense after Superman would be going through something, but other times it seemed like they could have done without a specific flashback scene. The acting was pretty good, but some moments were hit or miss. The movie is probably worth 3 stars, but with my personal rating scale, I give this movie a 2 out of 5 stars.

GM Franchise

The Internship was total shit. One of the worst movies I've seen. Only three good scenes in it and one was a cameo scene. The rest was boring.
Quote from: Trumpers on July 25, 2012, 01:46:54 PM
James, everytime you post in the OOC your perception of "yourself" is just as apparently off key 'in game' as GM Franchise as it is 'out of game' as yourself lol.
Quote from: Mike Powers on May 22, 2012, 06:44:25 PM
Now I know how Franchise feels every game.  Speak your mind and you get singled out for it.
Quote[Nov 30 21:22:23] Trumpers:you have literally assembled one of the worst teams possible


Identity Theft (uncut version) is absolutely hilarious.  4/5.


Man of Steel

went in there expecting a nice story about Superman coming to terms with his power. Instead, saw a movie about a guy with no personality who just accepts he has powers. Acting and camera work showing the acting sucked to put it bluntly, especially Zod. Shallow characters, shallow story-telling (the story itself was good, just didnt come across well). Again, SPOILERS, why does hollywood insist that even mighty chars have to look epic? Superman's dad, a scientist, beats up Zod, the 'epic villian' in the opening 10 minutes. How is it supposed to be believable that superman is supposed to overcome all odds when his father already beat up his great enemy?

2 out of 5

Crazy Kyd

Before Midnight. I loved this film. I'm a fan of the previous two films Before Sunrise and Before Sunset and this one is just as good, if not better than the originals. Without spoiling too much, the movie follows the two characters, Jesse and Celine and where they currently are in their relationship, 9 years after Before Sunset. Out of all the films, this one is a bit more depressing but there are plenty of moments of hope and happiness that make you feel plenty of emotions by the end of the film. I give this film a 5 out of 5 stars.


John Dies at the End.

Awesome movie.  Its got a great mix of horror and comedy, and general WTFness to it that it really was a good movie to me.  If you enjoyed Tucker and Dale vs Evil(and if you didn't you are wrong)then you'll get a kick out of this movie.

Quote[Today at 05:31:25 PM] JackHondo: If a zombie outbreak ever happened, Stonie would cut his arm off and replace it with a chainsaw.

Quote from: Ian "Wolfie" Trumps on July 23, 2015, 03:24:59 PM


So I had never actually seen Princess Mononoke until last night.  Pretty good movie.  Despite being tired as fuck I made sure to stay awake so I could finish it.  The story is interesting all the way through, if a little cheesy in the way you would expect an Anime to be.  Either way I enjoyed it.

Quote[Today at 05:31:25 PM] JackHondo: If a zombie outbreak ever happened, Stonie would cut his arm off and replace it with a chainsaw.

Quote from: Ian "Wolfie" Trumps on July 23, 2015, 03:24:59 PM


I saw Green Lantern last night. It's not as bad as I was led to believe it was. I quite enjoyed it, actually. The main bad guy was in the background a little too much and the cgi wasn't very good (and was used way too much) but Ryan Reynolds and Mark Strong made up for the problems. I was never a fan of the Green Lantern but I liked this film much more than Man of Steel and I hope they give it another shot before the Justice League film. If I was the head of WB, I would get Green Lantern and Man of Steel sequals out in 2015, the Batman reboot in 2016 and Justice League in 2017. I doubt they will be patient enough to build up to it properly, though, and we will just end up with rushed cash cows.
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Crazy Kyd

The Fountain. This was a fantastic film. Darren Aronofsky does another fantastic job with a complex story about love, life, and faith. When comparing his previous two movies, Pi and Requiem for A dream with The Fountain, it is obvious that The Fountain is much more simplistic with the camerawork. Aronofsky does a great job directing but with a complex story, he knew that it was much more important to fully show the visual effects as well as the relationship between the two main characters on screen. The acting was fantastic. Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz have such a good chemistry that was absolutely needed for the story. Ellen Burstyn and Mark Margolis do another great job in an Aronofsky film and it makes sense why he brings back previous actors and actresses from his previous films. I give this film a 5 out of 5 stars.