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"Batman vs Superman" News & Rumors

Started by Fnord, September 20, 2013, 05:16:53 PM

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Mike Powers

Credit Latino Review, via 411mania:

Quote- If you thought that Jesse Eisenberg being cast as Lex Luther in Batman vs. Superman caused some drama, the following rumors could cause some interesting reaction. According to Latino Review, here are the latest rumors on the Lex Luthor character...

Eisenberg's Luthor will be into tattoos, and have a sleeve of the Metropolis skyline down his right arm. He also has a shaved head.

At the age of 14 he was initiated into a gang and then took it over within a year.

He is a ruthless business man and tech genius with street smarts; becoming a self-made billionaire at 18, and is the CEO of Lexcorp.

Wayne and Luthor meet early in the film, but they have a past, as Bruce once called Lex as an amoral, arrogant brat. Lex thinks of Bruce as a trust fund baby and feels he got himself to where he is at by innovation and hard work while Bruce onl;y has what he does because he was born a Wayne.

Wayne is a fan of Superman, while Luthor considers him an alien, and a trespasser that doesn't belong on this planet.

Wayne is in Metropolis to help rebuild, and wants to pull his sources with Luthor's and believes working together would better serve the citizens of Metropolis and Bruce is willing to put his differences with Lex aside.

This leads to Luthor feeling as if Wayne is invading his territory, because Lex Luthor is Lexcorp and Lexcorp is Metropolis. But Luthor also feels that he can use Wayne Enterprises for his own.


GM Franchise

I like the backstory idea between Lex and Bruce but the tattooed, gangbanger Luthor might be a bit much.
Quote from: Trumpers on July 25, 2012, 01:46:54 PM
James, everytime you post in the OOC your perception of "yourself" is just as apparently off key 'in game' as GM Franchise as it is 'out of game' as yourself lol.
Quote from: Mike Powers on May 22, 2012, 06:44:25 PM
Now I know how Franchise feels every game.  Speak your mind and you get singled out for it.
Quote[Nov 30 21:22:23] Trumpers:you have literally assembled one of the worst teams possible

Mike Powers

I can only imagine how ridiculous Eisenberg will look, bald and tatted up.


Screen Junkies Imagines What Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor Might Be Like

When it was announced last week that Academy Award nominee Jesse Eisenberg had been cast as Superman's best known nemesis Lex Luthor in Zack Snyder's Batman vs. Superman, the internet, for lack of a better term, exploded. All of the casting rumors that we had heard leading up to this point had been of the Heisenberg or Joaquin Phoenix variety, and then, BOOM! Jesse Eisenberg?!

There has been nothing but rumors and speculation since the announcement including one breaking today suggesting that Batman vs. Superman would feature a tatted up Lex Luthor, who is possibly a skinhead and hails from the streets. You can read more about those rumors here. And while we have no real insight into any of this, the folks over at Screen Junkies had a little fun with the casting news creating a "trailer" for Batman vs. Superman featuring Eisenberg at his snarkiest, Henry Cavill at his most super, and even a little cameo from the man who would be Batfleck.

Superman vs. Jesse Eisenberg - Supercut

Source: Nerdist

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.


Rumor: Cyborg To Appear in BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN?

According to the latest rumor mill report over at Latino Review, it appears that Victor Stone, a/k/a Cyborg, could have a small part in Batman Vs. Superman, probably leading to a much bigger role in a follow up Justice League movie. According to their sources, the production is currently looking for a black actor in his early 20s who is also physically fit.  The part is for a small role in the Batman Vs. Superman movie, but will be recurring in other upcoming DCU films. Apparently, director Zack Snyder met with actor Michael B. Jordan, although his now having the part of Johnny Storm/The Human Torch for Fox's Fantastic Four reboot seems to preclude his involvement with a Justice League movie. But the fact that they wanted Jordan for the part lets you know the type they are going for.

Right now, the evidence is all circumstantial that this is Cyborg, but as far as circumstantial evidence goes, it's pretty strong.  Back in September, Latino-Review leaked the info that Warners was "looking for an actress in their late 20s who is both tall and possesses physicality."  Based on that description alone, everyone guessed it was Wonder Woman, and it turns out everyone was right. Now, all that's known is they need a "young black actor in his early 20s who is physically fit."  Add to that the fact that some of the early scenes already shot for Batman Vs. Superman involve a football game; Before becoming Cyborg, Victor Stone was a football player. DC Comics has been pushing Cyborg hard as a member of the Justice League since the New 52 launch two years ago, and he's now been shown as a founding member in Justice League: War and is on a lot of the Justice League merchandise. It would make a ton of sense that they are looking at Cyborg as the opportunity to racially diversify the League.

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.



New photos. No idea how to put them on here, so I'll just add the link to where I saw them. Someone else can put them on properly.
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Alex Smiley

Quote from: JackHondo on October 24, 2012, 07:31:28 AM
You're right, Jesus is nicer. But Alex is a close second.


Am I the only one who sees something resembling Joker's face along the rear-right wheel? I've zoomed in and it looks like anything but a face...still, the regular photo seems like it has a laughing clown on the wheel.



Batman vs Superman Update: New LEAKED Plot Details!

Here we go again! These just keep on coming :)

Fresh rumors have emerged regarding the script of Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice. Hybrid Network claim to have a reliable inside source in the production team of the movie. The source apparently showed them legit evidence to back up his claims. Now Hybrid Network generally does not post stuff for the sake of it and they are careful with their videos. They have assured that if you contact them they will name their source.

Possible heavy Batman vs Superman spoilers from here on!

Without further ado, I'll start with some bullet points:

1) The basic plot structure is exactly like The Dark Knight Returns (TDKR)

2) Superman will be a government tool just like in the TDKR. But here he is working for the government & Luthor to atone for all the destruction that happened in Man of Steel.

3) Superman feels immense guilt over the events of Man of Steel and the movie deals with him trying to make up for it in any way possible. This film will be kind of part 2 of his origin story.

4) Batman is a secluded figure. Robin did die at some point during Bruce's career causing him to hang up the cape. Bruce Wayne's age will be around late 40's to early 50's in this film. We don't get much of his back story in this film.

5) Alfred and Bruce have very few scenes and just like TDKR he dissuades him from fighting Superman

6) Jim Gordon is in this film. Bruce Wayne and Gordon have a dinner scene just like in TDKR

7) Wonder Woman comes to Metropolis after the events of Man of Steel because she feels Superman could be one of the lost Gods of her people. She doesn't get too many action scenes but she is involved in the final fight in some capacity.There is a thread which can further lead to 4th world, Darkseid etc.

8 ) Aquaman is in this movie. Arthur Curry is a marine biologist that Superman encounters sometime during the film.

9) Hal Jordan is name dropped in this movie by Amanda Waller who will be working with Mercy Graves and Lex Luthor

10) Lex Luthor will be a young guy in this film. He will lose his hair due to cancer. He will be manipulating Superman. Kryptonite is in this movie

11) Batman vs Superman fight will be the climax of this film and not in the middle as some fans were hoping. Batman beats Superman. Superman holds back in the fight because he knows Batman is correct ideologically

12) Batman teaches Superman that being a government stooge is wrong. Pa Kent's quote is used "You have to decide what kinda man you wanna be" by either one of them at some point of the fight. Superman wants to lose this fight so that the government thinks Superman can be beaten and that he is not an unbeatable God

13) Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman will be the main characters in this film and after Batman vs Superman fight they team up to form the Justice League.

I find this stuff interesting! If these plot points are true then it will deal effectively with the ending of Man of Steel. TDKR is one of the best comic book story-lines ever and Snyder will be wise to stick to it. And Batman is just bad ass here!

What do you guys think about these rumors? Put in your thoughts down below.

Source: MoviePilot

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.


Damn..was hoping for Metallo to be the final boss but I'm sure Snyder will give us a good fight scene.


I don't see where Wonder Woman or Aquaman fit in this story.
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Black Death

Quote from: Kirk on August 16, 2014, 04:25:58 AM
I don't see where Wonder Woman or Aquaman fit in this story.

agree with you on this
"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"
